Friday, October 30, 2015

At it again!!

Whoop. Here we go! Again, yes again. It's a little after midnight and I have to be up at 7:30 so this will be short and sweet but get used to it because I will be posting A LOT!! It's the only way I am ever accountable so let the journey begin! I have a lot to share when I have more time but just be watching and waiting for the next post. It will come shortly!!


Skinny me

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Yes, again

I keep allowing myself to get sidetracked.....that's easy to do when you are ADD, I mean seriously its annoying and it's counterproductive to my cause here of deleting LBs!!! I mean I keep losing and gaining the same 5lbs and I have too much to go to be stuck in a rut.....So I've refocused, started back up hard core on my BL and I WILL be blogging every day, at least to start with, but its my goal no matter how trivial it may seem to blog if you like and if you don't, well don't :)

Today so far I've stuck with everything spot on......great breakfast, which I often skip (I know, not good), nice, simple healthy lunch.....working on my water intake, dinner is planned all from!! I will let you all know how it comes out.....I of course, am hoping for delicious and can only assume my family is too :D   Here's what's on the menu for the evening:

I know, its out of a can, I'll find a good recipe for these too eventually, one thing at a time though :)

Also this:

Cajun Chicken Pasta on the Lighter Side 

and this:

Skinny Garlic Mashed Potatoes


Now off to do 30 bicep curls, 30 push ups, at least 30 minutes on the treadmill and some cleaning around here since my little ones seem to think my living room is their playroom even though they have two of those :) 

Have a great day everyone and HELP me be accountable....ask me where my daily blog is if I haven't posted one by 3pm everyday....seriously it will help me and I need all the help I can get :)

Until Next Time,
Healthy Me  :)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Trucking along

So I have NOT been keeping this up of course!! But with the last weeks of Summer upon us I've been a little more interested in spending time with the kiddos than sitting here keeping up with a blog even though I can do it relatively fast most days, I like to have more meaningful content and think about what I am going to post and make something about eating and exercise as entertaining as I can lol, thus my semi-weekly post schedule that I started instead of daily (unless something great happens that I feel the need to post about of course).  I will definitely get back on schedule of two to three posts a week (most weeks anyway) when the kiddos are back in school and things settle down a bit; however I've tried to make sure I keep myself busy then too so I'm not stuck in a rut here by myself obsessed with the time and when they will be walking back through the door!!

Nosy will be going back to pre-k too and he'll be doing three half days instead of just two so Bryn and I will be doing Zumba/Nursery again on Monday/Wednesday.......or taking a nice walk by the river from time to time to mix it up and Thursdays we will be doing MOPS and in October women's bible study.  AWANAS has started back up and so has soccer so all evenings of the week are allocated to something.  Monday's the Y, Tuesdays Soccer Practice, Wednesdays Church, Thursdays Soccer Practice, Fridays the Y, Saturdays Game Day (soccer), Sunday Relax :)

I've also started a new Biggest Loser Challenge....BC55 I did great on the first arm challenge (at least for me) and today I need to work on leg challenge, I also joined the triathalon challenge, my three legs are 1. 10k+ steps a day for 6-7 days this week (I haven't been getting this previous to the challenge) so far I've done 11k 2 of the last 3 days so I'm doing well on this leg.  2. Exercise at least 5 days this week (steps don't count....has to be meaningful exercise, walking counts but power walking not just walking slow to get my steps) so far I've worked out 3 out of the last 3 days and today will be four I'll be getting some power walking in later and 3. to log EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth all week and so far I am doing it to the "T" every day so far :)

So there you go that's what's been going on, lately and coming up in the near future, so I'll be around and back on a semi-weekly schedule of updates soon :)

Until next time,
Healthy Me

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Rough Month

I'm not going to be boring and bog everyone down....long story short I've not gained, but definitely not lost either, haven't worked out and haven't paid attention to my eating as well as I should short.....I SUCK!! LOL....j/k had some minor health issues going, but everything is much better now, I started my C25K W1D1 asthma won out  (because I forgot my inhaler....not so smart) I did half of it as far as the running goes, but I stayed walking as fast as my lungs would let me the entire time and got in well over a mile still in the 25 minutes.....pretty close to a mile and a I guess not too bad! Today with inhaler in hand I will attempt W1D1 again and see if I can manage to jog more of it this time :)  I got out and cut the grass and would LOVE to take the kiddos to the park after our walk/jog and have a dinner picnic....they've not been to park much lately so they'd love it....gonna make that happen!!

Ready to get this weight loss rolling again with some real momentum......I was doing way too good and have come too far to stop or let myself gain any back so HERE WE GO!!!!! Gotta do my run is coming up soon and I want to be able to jog at least some of it!! :)

Water intake has been good today and eating so just have to stay active and get this DONE!!! 

Back to the grind.....but happily doing it :) This is so important to me for myself, my kids and my husband that I don't think of it as deprivation or a diet I think of it as a very positive lifestyle that will benefit all of is in very positive ways and I'm actually excited about getting all back into it like I need and want to be and hope to involve the kiddos more!!  :)

Have a great and blessed evening everyone
Until Next Time,
Healthy Me :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Definitely Back on Track!!!! (and so excited)

So those stubborn couple of lbs I gained back while off track and demotivated are gone.....along with another one....I am DEFINITELY back on track and feeling refreshed, excited, motivated and all that jazz......and ready to KEEP the momentum going and watch some more disappear.......FOR GOOD (I do NOT want them back)  :) 

I completed the arm challenge in my BL BC54 Challenge and was finally on the the middle, but still,  for most reps :)

I completed the leg challenge too, but results aren't up yet, I know without a doubt I'll be at the bottom of that list, but I did attempt it.......just got sidetracked with yard work and company (which I loved) and never got back to finishing it lol

This weekend is the core challenge, I'll let you know  how I do once results are posted next week......hoping I can get in the reps I want to to make it higher up on that list.......I won't be number one, some of these ladies are ON TOP OF IT, but if I can beat my own records each week showing I'm making progress that's all I want!!

Today is my shift at the Y.......then if the weather is mild like it was yesterday......I'm thinking an evening walk with the hubby and kids, maybe down by the river, but then again, maybe on our street....depends on moods :)

For now, its off to do laundry (and LOTS of it) and organize in the kitchen and Bryn's room.....see if Jor feels better or if we are going to the Dr. again :/

Have a blessed and safe and happy weekend everyone

Until Next Time,
Healthy Me :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Last Chance Workout..............will I be able to use my arms again tomorrow lol

So today I did Jillian Michaels Last Chance Workout and I thought I was going to throw up at one point and pass out at another, but after a short break about midway through, I finished the whole routine and survived..........I arms may say differently in the morning lol.  loved it thought!!!

I seriously let myself get so caught up in cardio I forget how good it feels (until the next day) to actually incorporate and use other muscle groups!! I know that cardio is of utmost importance and will continue with cardio also, but I've got to do more strength training too!!! So my goal is to get through this routine without needing a break (the mountain climbers did me in lol) and then I'll go from there and maybe get brave enough for turbo fire or something like that or T25, I hear that one is really good too!! :) (any feedback on those workouts welcome)

Anywho, my motivation is back 100% and I am stoked about my leg challenge tomorrow and getting ready for my first 5k in September :) So I'm ready to start seeing those LBs fall off again and I will definitely be blogging on a regular basis again now that my motivation level is back where I need it to be and I'll have some progress to post again :) 

Really appreciate everyone that has encouraged me and pushed me even when I've been off my game for the last three weeks :) But like I said I'm Baaaaaack and ready to Get Up Get Movin' and delete those LBs :)

Have a blessed one,
Until next time,
Healthy Me :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

New Challenge

Started a new challenge and boot camp finally and I'm pumped and ready to start this deletion of lbs again!!! WOOHOO!!!! Gonna have 'em falling off again.....been at a stand off with myself for over two weeks now but the time has come to get this body burning fat and moving again......have come way too far to stop or reverse directions right now!!!! I. AM. PUMPED!!!!

I also am in the process of signing up for my first 5K which will take place in September and I am nervous and completely stoked all at the same time!!!! Gonna start getting ready for that and looking forward to it and hoping it starts a trend for me........I'm not a runner, but I want to run sometimes..............I think I would ideally like to do about 2-4 local 5K's in my area a year that have meaning behind them and are for a good cause and I would love to do a melanoma one in PA or NC once a year also!!! So another new goal I've set for myself :) I'm excited and will update my progress for you guys if you are interested and if not.....well I guess just don't read it lol :)

I do appreciate those that I know read the blogs I post whether you comment or not!!! :) Love you all :)
Get Up Get Movin
Until Tuesday,
Healthy Me :)